Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes arrivano gli achievements per Xbox 360

Alessio Cialli
Di Alessio Cialli - Senior Editor News Lettura da 2 minuti



La Konami rende noti gli achievements della versione Xbox 360 del gioco:  Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes”. Il prologo del più atteso The Phantom Pain non contiene molti achievements ma noi ve li riportiamo lo stesso.

– Reunion – 50: Reunited with Chico or Paz
– Downfall – 50: Cleared the “Ground Zeroes” mission
– Genesis – 50: Cleared a Side Op or Extra Op
– Accomplished – 50: Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops)
– Skilled – 100: Cleared any mission (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank
– Hero – 250: Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank
– Rescue – 50 In the “Ground Zeroes” mission, rescued the prisoner to be executed and extracted him via chopper
– Depth – 50: Cleared the “Eliminate the Renegade Threat” Side Op by extracting both targets
– Pacifist – 50: Cleared the “Intel Operative Rescue” Side Op without killing a single enemy
– Infiltration – 50: Cleared the “Classified Intel Acquisition” Side Op while riding in the back of a truck
– Extraction – 50: In the “Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements” Side Op, rescued and extracted all prisoners via chopper
– Hidden – 50: Cleared the “Jamais Vu” Extra Op with 0 enemy combat statuses
– Unlocked – 50: Unlocked all trials
– Information – 50: Obtained all cassette tapes
– Insignia – 50: Obtained all XOF unit patches

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Di Alessio Cialli Senior Editor
Eclettico personaggio, ha iniziato la sua carriera videoludica con un Commodore 64. Si consacra nei titoli Platform, Stealth e GDR. Titolo preferito: Alex Kidd in Miracle World "Sega Master System", gioco più vecchio di lui!