
Anthem: ecco quali saranno i Trofei e gli Obiettivi da sbloccare


In tanti stanno aspettando con trepidazione l’uscita di Anthem e la versione di prova rilasciata da BioWare nei giorni scorsi ha alimentato ancora di più l’hype dei fan. Sono molti gli elementi che ancora non ci sono stati mostrati, e la voglia di sapere ulteriori dettagli su questo titolo è davvero incontenibile. Nell’attesa, possiamo però prepararci a ciò che ci aspetta, dando uno sguardo alla lista dei Trofei e degli Obiettivi che sarà possibile sbloccare in Anthem su PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. Anthem

Naturalmente per sbloccare i seguenti Trofei/Obiettivi bisognerà soddisfare diversi requisiti, come completare determinate azioni o progredire con la storia del gioco, per cui vi invitiamo a leggere la lista facendo attenzione ai possibili spoiler. Ecco dunque tutti i Trofei e gli Obiettivi di Anthem:

  • Grandmaster (Platinum) – Collect all Trophies (PlayStation 4 Only)
  • No Stone Unturned (Gold / 90G) – Complete all Bastion Collectibles Challenges
  • A Royal Favor (Silver / 30G) – Complete Dax’s Emerald Abyss Story
  • Triple Threat (Silver / 30G) – Complete Matthias’s Triple Threat Story
  • Comrades in Arms (Bronze / 15G) – Complete Part 1 of Brin’s Need to Know Story
  • Military Pursuits (Bronze / 15G) – Complete Part 2 of Brin’s Need to Know Story
  • Arcanist Mysteries (Bronze / 15G) – Complete Matthias’s Search for Knowledge Story
  • Scholarly Pursuits (Bronze / 15G) – Complete Matthias’s Riddles of Raban Maur Story
  • Restoring Glory (Bronze / 15G) – Complete Yarrow’s Keeping Promises Story
  • Honorable Pursuits (Bronze / 15G) – Complete Yarrow’s Shallow Grave Story
  • Early Warnings (Silver / 30G) – Complete Early Warnings
  • Incursion (Silver / 30G) – Complete Incursion
  • Finding Old Friends (Silver / 30G) – Complete Finding Old Friends
  • The Tomb of General Tarsis (Silver / 30G) – Complete the Tomb of General Tarsis
  • The Fortress of Dawn (Silver / 30G) – Complete The Fortress of Dawn
  • Freelancer Down (Silver / 30G) – Complete Freelancer Down
  • Return to the Heart of Rage (Gold / 90G) – Complete Return to the Heart of Rage
  • Uncommon Talent (Bronze / 15G) – Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with an uncommon javelin rarity
  • Rare Talent (Bronze / 15G) – Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a rare javelin rarity
  • Epic Talent (Bronze / 15G) – Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with an epic javelin rarity
  • Master Talent (Bronze / 15G) – Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a masterwork javelin rarity
  • Assault Artisan (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Assault Rifle I Challenges
  • Light Machine Gun Lover (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Light Machine Gun I Challenges
  • Born in Battle (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Marksman Rifle I Challenges
  • Straight Shooter (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Machine Pistol I Challenges
  • Pistol Whipped (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Heavy Pistol I Challenges
  • I Call Shotgun (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Shotgun I Challenges
  • Sniper Ace – (Bronze / 15G) Complete 3 Sniper Rifle I Challenges
  • Cannon Connoisseur (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Autocannon I Challenges
  • Grenade Guru (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 3 Grenade Launcher I Challenges
  • Arms Merchant (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 12 Ranger Gear I Challenges
  • Munitions Maestro (Bronze / 15G) Complete 12 Colossus Gear I Challenges
  • Seal Savant (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 12 Storm Gear I Challenges
  • Gadgets Galore (Bronze / 15G) – Complete 12 Interceptor Gear I Challenges
  • Explorer: High Road (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in High Road
  • Explorer: Academy Ruins (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Academy Ruins
  • Explorer: Monument Watch (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Monument Watch
  • Explorer: Fortress of Dawn (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Fortress of Dawn
  • Explorer: Ruins of Shadowmark (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Ruins of Shadowmark
  • Explorer: Valley of Tarsis (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Valley of Tarsis
  • Explorer: Great Falls Canyon (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Great Falls Canyon
  • Explorer: Emerald Abyss (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Emerald Abyss
  • Explorer: East Gate (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in East Gate
  • Explorer: Eastern Reach (Bronze / 15G) – Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Eastern Reach
  • Freelancer Loyalty 3 (Silver / 25G) – Complete tasks to aid the Freelancer cause
  • Arcanist Loyalty 3 (Silver / 25G) – Complete task to aid the Arcanist cause
  • Sentinel Loyalty 3 (Silver / 25G) – Complete tasks to aid the Sentinel cause
LEGGI ANCHE  Suicide Squad è già gratis su PC grazie a Prime Gaming

Che ne pensate? vi dedicherete a completare tutti questi sbloccabili giocando ad Anthem?

Giacomo Zanoni
Videogiocatore dall'età di cinque anni, passo le giornate a leggere fumetti e libri, a volte mi cimento nella scrittura. Adoro i giochi di ruolo e qualsiasi altra cosa in grado di narrarmi storie e farmi viaggiare stando comodamente seduto.

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