
Nuove informazioni sul season pass di La Terra di Mezzo: L’Ombra della Guerra

La Terra di Mezzo: L’Ombra della Guerra circola ormai da qualche settimana, e sapevamo già da un po’ di tempo i nomi dei contenuti scaricabili che arriveranno nei prossimi mesi. Quest’oggi abbiamo ricevuto informazioni più dettagliate a riguardo da Warner Bros. stessa, con tanto di prezzo e trailer che trovate in calce all’articolo. Riportiamo qui di seguito i dettagli:

Tribù del Massacro Nemesis Expansion – Disponibile novembre 2017

  • The gruesome Slaughter tribe invades Mordor introducing new missions, Epic and Legendary Orcs, tribal showdowns and fierce battles, brought to life through the Nemesis System.
  • New Slaughter tribe fortress with Overlord throne room, monuments and outposts.
  • Players can hunt down Legendary Slaughter tribe Orcs for a new Legendary gear set with additional upgrade challenges.
  • Slaughter Orcs are the most bloodthirsty in Mordor, capable of ambushing players at any point, creating a deadly new challenge for players.

Tribù dei Fuorilegge Nemesis Expansion – Disponibile dicembre 2017

  • The proud Outlaw tribe arise within Mordor introducing new missions, Epic and Legendary Orcs, tribal showdowns and intense battles, brought to life through the Nemesis System.
  • New Outlaw tribe fortress with Overlord throne room, monuments and outposts.
  • Players can hunt down Legendary Outlaw tribe Orcs for a new Legendary gear set with additional upgrade challenges.
  • The Outlaw tribe is home to the most rebellious warriors in Orc society, outcasts who have a deep contempt of all those who would rule them, be they foreign invaders or Lords of Mordor (whether Dark or Bright).

La Lama di Galadriel Story Expansion – Disponibile febbraio 2018

  • Play as Eltariel, an elite assassin known as the Blade of Galadriel, and go head-to-head with the newest addition to the ranks of the Nazgûl.
  • Wield Eltariel’s dual Elven blades and harness the Light of Galadriel with a host of deadly new combat abilities, skills and gear.
  • Encounter memorable new Nemesis characters, such as Flint and Tinder and the Slayer of the Dead, while battling the Nazgûl and learning more mysteries of their past.
  • Gain eight unique Legendary Orcs who can return to join your forces in the main story campaign with new abilities added to the Nemesis System.
  • Unlockable Eltariel character skin for the main story campaign.
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La Desolazione di Mordor Story Expansion – Disponibile maggio 2018

  • Play as Baranor, the Captain of Minas Ithil and survivor of the city’s demise, in a new story expansion where players will command the forces of Man against a new Orc threat to the East.
  • Unite with Torvin, the Dwarven Hunter, to craft powerful new combat gear, including the shield, gauntlet, chain and glider.
  • Hire mercenaries to create a human army and conquer the all new desert region of Lithlad.
  • Fight to survive in Mordor as a human without the power of a Ring or a wraith to cheat death in a new rogue-like campaign mode.
  • Unlockable Baranor character skin for the main story campaign.


Il season pass sarà acquistabile al prezzo di 39.99€, mentre ogni contenuto scaricabile potrà essere acquistato singolarmente al prezzo di 14,99€, fatta eccezione per La Desolazione di Mordor che costerà 19.99€. Augurandovi buona visione, vi ricordiamo che La Terra di Mezzo: L’Ombra della Guerra è già disponibile su PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC.


Federico "Gears" Lima
Nintendaro fino all'ultimo ricciolo, mi sono avvicinato al mondo Playstation solo da qualche anno. Le mie saghe preferite sono Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon e The Legend of Zelda, e la mia abilità nei picchiaduro classici e negli sparatutto è paragonabile a quella di un comodino. Non esattamente il massimo, insomma.

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