
Uncharted 4, nuova patch per il multiplayer!

I ragazzi di Naughty Dog hanno rilasciato nella giornata di oggi una patch che riguarda il multiplayer del loro ultimo capolavoro, Uncharted 4! La patch porterà il gioco alla versione 1.05.019 e includerà principalmente diversi bilanciamenti riguardanti alcune armi un po’ troppo forti. Qui sotto vi lasciamo tutta la patch completa, fateci sapere cosa ne pensate con un commento sotto alla news e rimanete sintonizzati su Game Legends per non perdervi nessuna news dal mondo dei videgiochi!

uncharted-4-edizioni-speciali-03 neil druckamannGENERAL
Update to decrease chances of the idol being duplicated
Update to Network messaging
One-Use Booster chest has been reduced from 150 to 100 Relics
Blindfire reduction for all weapons and mods.

Cintamani Stone
– In game costs have been altered
– Was – $400, $600, $900, & $1,200
– Now – $400, $700, $1,050, & $1,400
– Full Revive mod from is now $200
Staff of Ayar Manco
– In game costs have been altered
– Was – $300, $450, $750, $950, & $1,150
– Now – $400, $500, $600, $900, & $1,100
Spirit of the Djinn
– Loadout Point cost has been changed from 4 to 3
Indra’s Eternity
– Fix unlock requirements for the mods

– The player can now only have 2 mines deployed at one time (formerly 3)

Aegis 9mm
– Rate of fire decreased
– Effective Range decreased
– Recoil increased slightly
– Loadout Point cost removed, weapon is now FREE
– Fire rate increased
– Reload rate increase
– Effective range increased
Spezzotti 12 Gauge
– Effective range increased
– Headshot damage multiplier increased
– Loadout Point cost reduced to 5
M14 Custom
– Loadout Point cost reduced to 5
– Reduce max ammo of MP34a from 120 to 90
Mettler M-30
– Increase rate of fire
– Decrease recoil in and out of scope aim
– Delay Between shots has been reduced

Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col tempo e ora predilige gli eSports, in particolare League of Legends ed Hearthstone, segue con attenzione gli eventi competitivi di tutto il globo tifando come un vero ultrà. Champions preferiti di LoL: Ezreal, Blitzcrank e Yasuo.


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