Marvel’s Avengers, trapelata in rete la lista degli achievement

Nelle scorse ore è stata pubblicata online l'intera lista degli achievement di Marvel's Avengers, con ben sei mesi di anticipo.

Francesco Samperna
Francesco Samperna
Nato nel mai troppo lontano 2002, la sua immensa passione per i videogiochi nasce quando prende in mano per la prima volta il Dualshock 2. Amante...
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Marvel’s Avengers torna ad essere vittima di pesanti leak: dopo che negli scorsi giorni, infatti, sono state svelate anticipatamente le edizioni da collezione del gioco, questa volta, con addirittura ben sei mesi di anticipo, è finita in rete l’intera lista degli achievement del titolo, che rivelano importantissimi dettagli sulla trama. È quindi ovvio che consigliamo di non proseguire la lettura chiunque abbia intenzione di giocare Marvel’s Avengers, che arriverà su Google Stadia, PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One il prossimo 4 settembre.

Di seguito la lista completa degli achievement del gioco, pubblicata dal sito Exophase:

On the Mountaintop
Reach Power Level 300 with any Hero

Back in Business
Reach Avenger Rank 250

Group Effort
Reach Faction Rank 25 in any faction

Super Hero Business
Complete 10 assignments

Team Player
Reach Hero Level 5 with five different Heroes

Time to Shine
Reach Hero Level 50 and purchase all Skills for any Hero

Tentative Peace
Complete one of each type of War Zone

Gold Star Success
Complete 100 assignments

Treasure Trove
Open 50 Cache strongboxes

Honeycomb Hideout
Complete five Hive missions

Former Glory
Complete the “Iconic Avengers” excursion

Clear Skies
Complete the “Welcome to Skywatch” excursion

To the Dark and Back Again
Complete 50 Hive missions

Rough and Tumble
Reach a combo of 20 hits or higher

And That’s How It’s Done
Defeat 10 or more enemies with a single Heroic ability activation

Seeing Stars
Earn a five star rating on an objective without any team member taking damage

Trying on Perfection
Earn a 100% rating on a mission without any team member being downed

Holding It Down
Complete 30 War Zones on Brutal or higher difficulty

The Best Around
Earn a 100% rating for any War Zone at Merciless difficulty

More Important Things To Do
Complete any mission in under three minutes

The Best Defense
Defeat any 20 different enemy types

Old Fashioned Beat Down
Defeat any boss without any strike team member taking damage

Prized Collection
Collect a full comic set

Information Overload
Collect 75 intelligence files

Wanting for Nothing
Collect 500 gear items

Odds and Ends
Collect three Artifacts

Savior of the People
Rescue 100 AIM prisoners

Become Legend
Equip all Legendary or better gear with any hero

Fundamentally Flawless
Defeat 50 enemies with Assault Heroic or Ultimate Heroic abilities

Fully upgrade an Artifact

Investing in the Future
Fully upgrade any gear item

Shopping Spree
Purchase an item from two different faction vendors

Breaking and Entering
Break into 30 Depots

A Surprise Every Time
Open 100 strongboxes

Top Priority
Complete 10 Priority faction missions

Golden Ticket
Reach the VIP balcony

The Adventure Begins
Escape the clutches of AIM in New York

Lost But Not Forgotten
Discover the location of the Chimera

A Little Bit Broken
Recruit Bruce Banner

From the Ashes
Recover the Phoenix Protocols

No Suit, No Problem
Recruit Tony Stark

Patent Violation
Destroy the AIM arc reactor

Gone To Ground
Locate the Ant Hill

Itsy Bitsy
Recruit Black Widow

A Novel Way to Travel
Rescue Inhumans from the research facility

Thunderous Applause
Stop the Helicarrier from crashing into New York City

Unparalleled View
Reach the AIM space station

Welcome Back, Old Friend
Rescue Captain America

Avengers Assemble!
Reunite the Avengers

New Girl Makes Good
Defeat MODOK and the Kree

Condividi l'articolo
Nato nel mai troppo lontano 2002, la sua immensa passione per i videogiochi nasce quando prende in mano per la prima volta il Dualshock 2. Amante dei titoli action, è sempre alla ricerca di nuovi e luccicanti trofei di platino. Tra una partita e l'altra trova comunque il tempo per un po' di sano binge watching!