Capcom ha pubblicato oggi la lista dei trofei completa di Monster Hunter World!

Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col...
Lettura da 5 minuti

Monster Hunter World è sicuramente uno dei titoli di prossima uscita più attesi dai fan di tutto il mondo, ansiosi di tornare a cacciare le leggendarie creature della saga anche su PlayStation 4 ed Xbox One. Ebbene visto che mancano davvero pochi giorni alla data di rilascio del gioco, che uscirà il prossimo 26 gennaio, durante le scorse ore Capcom ha voluto svelare al pubblico la lista dei 50 trofei che andranno a far parte del titolo e che sono uno di Platino, due d’Oro, undici d’Argento, e trentasei di Bronzo.

La caccia è quasi aperta, e mentre qui sotto vi lasciamo la lista degli obiettivi completa vi ricordiamo che Monster Hunter World arriverà su PC in un secondo momento, durante una data non ancora fissata nei mesi autunnali del 2018.

Name Description Trophy
Conqueror of the New Word Unlock all trophies for Monster Hunter: World Platinum
Welcome to the New World Earn the right to take on two-star assignments Bronze
Nothing Stops This Commission Earn the right to take on three-star assignments Bronze
Defender of Astera Earn the right to take on four-star assignments Bronze
Into the Deep Earn the right to take on five-star assignments Bronze
Death Begets Life Successfully guide Zorah Magdaros Bronze
The Empress of the Highlands Earn the right to take on seven-star assignments Bronze
The Sapphire Star Solve the mystery of the Elder Crossing Silver
The Hunter’s Life for Me Complete 50 optional quests Bronze
An Inquisitive Mind Complete your first investigation Bronze
The Franchise Hunter Complete 50 investigations Bronze
Step into the Arena Complete your first arena quest Bronze
Nowhere to go but Up Complete 50 arena quests Bronze
New World Settler Establish five camps Bronze
The Art of Camouflage Escape the Jagras pack by hiding in some shrubs Bronze
Angling for a Bite Catch your first fish Bronze
Mmm, So Tasty Cook your first well-done steak Bronze
The Bigger They Are… Mount your first monster Bronze
A Living Fossil Capture a fish known as “the living fossil” Silver
Snuggles for All Capture a fluffy, snuggly creature Silver
Commissioned Work Obtain 100,000 research points Bronze
Bourgeois Hunter Possess 1,000,000 zenny Bronze
Bristles for All Capture a stiff, bristly creature Silver
Rainbow Bright Capture a creature that glitters like a rainbow Silver
Impregnable Defense Obtain five highly rare pieces of armor Bronze
Power is Everything Obtain five highly rare weapons Bronze
Movin’ On Up Move into an upgraded room Bronze
First Friends Befriend your first Tailraider Bronze
Bosom Buddies Become fully proficient with any Palico Gadget Bronze
Monster Ph.D Research everything about almost every monster Silver
Temper Tempter Hunt your first tempered monster Bronze
Indomitable Hunt 50 tempered monsters Silver
Minatare Crown Record your first miniature crown in your hunting log Bronze
Miniature Crown Collector Obtain a miniature crown for 10 or more monsters in your hunting log Silver
Miniature Crown Master Obtain a miniature crown for almost every monster in your hunting log Gold
Giant Crown Record your first giant crown in your hunting log Bronze
Giant Crown Collector Obtain a giant crown for 10 or more monsters in your hunting log Silver
Giant Crown Master Obtain a giant crown for almost every monster in your hunting log Gold
Capture Novice Capture your first monster Bronze
Capture Pro Capture 50 monsters Silver
Elderslayer Slay 50 elder dragons Bronze
Monster Slayer Hunt 100 large monsters Bronze
Monster Hunter Hunt 500 large monsters Silver
HELP! Fire an SOS flare for the first time Bronze
I Am the Reinforcements Respond to an SOS flare, and help complete 10 quests Bronze
Hunters United Complete a quest via multiplayer Bronze
Hunters United Forever Complete 100 quests via multiplayer Bronze
Spreading the Word Collect over 50 Guild Cards Bronze
Established Hunter Reach hunter rank 100 Bronze
Condividi l'articolo
Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col tempo e ora predilige gli eSports, in particolare League of Legends ed Hearthstone, segue con attenzione gli eventi competitivi di tutto il globo tifando come un vero ultrà. Champions preferiti di LoL: Ezreal, Blitzcrank e Yasuo.