Star Wars Battlefront 2 si aggiorna alla versione 1.2

Davide Di Tolla
Davide Di Tolla
Giocatore fin dalla tenera età, mi sono avvicinato a questa passione tramite il tanto amato Game Boy, che mi ha fatto scoprire un mondo totalmente nuovo...
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Nelle ultime ore è stata rilasciata una patch per Star Wars Battlefront 2, grazie alle quale sono state apportate molte correzioni e bilanciamenti; inoltre, è stata nettamente migliorata la resa visiva delle spade laser. Ecco quanto riportato sul forum ufficiale:

General Improvements and Bug Fixes::

  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive credits for duplicate star cards – Players who encountered this issue previously will retroactively be awarded with the proper amounts of credits over time.
  • Increased Credit payout for duplicate items
    – Common – From 200 to 300
    – Uncommon – From 400 to 600
    – Rare – From 800 to 900
    – Epic – From 1200 to 3600
  • Increased the glow of blaster bolts to make them look more vibrant
  • Increased the dismemberment probability of the B1 Battle Droids from 20% to 40%
  • Reduced the stretched bloom effect for a clearer image
  • Improved the glow, thickness, and lighting of lightsabers
  • U-Wing – when firing from the gunner position, the gun, muzzle flash, and blaster bolt are now shown properly
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would enter a bad state when being the target of Darth Vader’s Choke
  • End of Round – Fixed an issue where the map would sometimes overlap with the intro video in Starfighter Assault
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong loading screen would be seen when loading a level
  • Fixed an issue where some menu options would disappear under certain conditions
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would stutter when spawning in with a Hero in Custom Arcade
  • Fixed an issue where the AT-RT Repair ability did not work correctly
  • Fixed an issue where players would not get the “Heroic Sacrifice” scoring event when defeated by a Hero
  • Fixed an issue where Darth Vader would not take any damage from Luke Skywalker’s Push ability if standing near a wall
  • Fixed an issue where the AAT would take too much damage when colliding with surrounding objects
  • Fixed an issue where Turrets and Grenades could inflict damage after the round ended
  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive Score for grenade kills made after their character had died
  • Fixed an issue where a friendly First Order AT-ST showed up as an enemy on radar
  • Fixed an issue where players could survive when knocked down from a platform in Heroes vs Villains
  • Fixed an issue where players could equip class specific Star Cards to other classes
  • Tweaked the color-blind settings to make Squad members easier to distinguish on the minimap
  • Fixed an issue where Brawler boost card didn’t refresh some ability cards.
  • Fixed an issue where players could force respawn during the Heroes vs Villains intro sequence and respawn in a new location
  • Reduced the amount of Battle Points you received when attacking the objective on Crait with a Ski Speeder
  • Fixed an issue where the character would disappear on the client after combat rolls
  • Fixed an issue in the Campaign where the weapon HUD wouldn’t indicate when aiming at an enemy
  • Fixed an issue where AI troopers in Arcade would constantly melee attack each other
  • Fixed an issue where Assault troopers in Arcade would attempt to use the Scan Dart ability as a regular weapon
  • Various bug fixes in Arcade
  • Several performance and stability improvements
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • Various UI improvements and bug fixes
Condividi l'articolo
Giocatore fin dalla tenera età, mi sono avvicinato a questa passione tramite il tanto amato Game Boy, che mi ha fatto scoprire un mondo totalmente nuovo ed inesplorato, quello fantastico dei videogiochi. Ad oggi, studio e lavoro in un ambiente che spero mi consenta, un giorno, di affermarmi come membro del settore.