Nelle scorse ore sono emerse tantissime novità riguardanti il nuovo Resident Evil 8, ma stando alle ultime notizie, i recenti leaks diffusi proverrebbero da una build scartata, e non dal progetto a cui Capcom starebbe lavorando. A riportare la notizia è stato AestheticGamer, che tramite diversi tweet ha affermato che le informazioni trapelate sul nuovo RE si riferirebbero ad una build di gioco scartata dalla software house, prima che lo sviluppo del progetto fosse riavviato nuovamente. Tali dichiarazioni sarebbero confermate dal fatto che lo stesso AestheticGamer precedentemente aveva affermato che lo sviluppo di RE8 fosse ripartito da zero questa estate.
Nei post l’utente spiega che lo scopo di questi test iniziali è permettere a Capcom di scegliere quali parti della build di gioco mantenere e quali scartare. AestheticGamer ha infine ipotizzato che le idee scartate in questa prima fase possano essere usate magari in un progetto secondario, un altro gioco della saga di Resident Evil, ma ribadisce che i dettagli emersi in questi giorni non si riferiscono alla build finale di Resident Evil 8.
Me & the people who are sharing the RE8 rumor actually talked about this a few days ago, for the record I am certain the RE8 that's being talked about is not the final game and is probably what Capcom rebooted about half a year ago. I think Capcom did a vertical slice test with
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) January 28, 2020
also aware that this isn't the direction the final RE8 is going in. And Capcom are deciding what to carry over and what to severely change about RE8's direction when rebooting it.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) January 28, 2020
being. This part is purely my speculation, but as these tests were done after RE8 had already been rebooted, I'm curious if Capcom wants to see if they can still do something with their work or not. That is one possibility.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) January 28, 2020
some weird ideas for the franchise, but I was fairly certain his version of RE8 wouldn't go forward. It was honestly rebooted much later than I thought it'd be, though.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) January 28, 2020
Playtest was in August, reboot was in the Summer. My theory (but can't confirm) is the test was used to help them decide what to keep. What I am aware of is the final RE8 isn't this direction.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) January 28, 2020