Regalo per i possessori di Halo: the master chief collection!

Gianluigi Crescenzi
Gianluigi Crescenzi
Deputy Editor
Classe 90, invecchia bene tanto quanto il vino, anche se preferisce un buon Whisky. Ama l'introspezione, l'interpretazione e l'investigazione, e a volte tende a scavare molto...
- Deputy Editor
Lettura da 6 minuti

Halo The Master Chief Collection

Solo 7 ore fa, compare sul sito di una newsletter ufficiale scritta direttamente da Bonnie Ross!
La comunicazione riportata dal capo della 343 Industries in apertura ci spiega di come la risoluzione dei bug presenti in Halo: the Master Chief Collection sia stata per i producers la priorità assoluta come promesso il mese scorso. I feedback positivi ricevuti dai giocatori grazie ai continui aggiornamenti settimanali (ci spiega) non hanno fatto altro che incoraggiarli, e stanno lavorando tutto il giorno per risolvere i problemi del tutto. Inoltre, la prossima settimana verra rilasciato un contenuto che aggiungerà ben 10 episodi all’esperienza cooperativa “Spartan Ops” di Halo 4.

Il bello arriva ora: il signor Ross ringrazia tutti gli acquirenti e fan di Xbox della pazienza mostrata, e fa un graditissimo regalo a tutti coloro che hanno acquistato e giocato Halo: tha Master Chief Collection dal day one fino al 19 Dicembre 2014:

– Un avatar esclusivo per il gioco
– Una nameplate esclusiva in game (Tag di battaglia)
– Un mese di Xbox Live Gold

Per informazioni riguardanti l’offerta, è in allegato anche il link: visit the FAQ here

Non finisce qui: tra le richieste dei giocatori che verranno esaudite nei prossimi periodi, ci sono anche le mappe multiplayer per Halo 2: Anniversary, e la campagna originale Halo 3: ODST. Ross infine conclude rinnovando le scuse, e ribadendo quanto sia un punto di cruciale importanza per loro la gioia dei loro fan. Se qualcuno volesse leggere il comunicato in lingua originale, lo troverà in fondo all’articolo!

Halo The Master Chief Collection

Last month, I promised the Halo and Xbox community that addressing the matchmaking issues and other bugs impacting players’ experience with Halo: The Master Chief Collection was our #1 priority.  We’ve been working around the clock deploying weekly content updates and numerous server-side adjustments that have shown good results and we’re encouraged by the feedback we’re hearing from you.  Another big challenge was met when we added fan-favorite playlists, such as SWAT and Halo: CE, back to our matchmaking menu and we plan to add more soon.  Next week, we’ll release a content update that will add all 10 episodes of the cooperative experience “Spartan Ops” for Halo 4, and will address other issues.  I assure you that the team will continue to work on additional content updates to further improve the all-up gameplay experience.

This has been a humbling experience and highlighted how we as a studio can – and need – to do better for Xbox fans around the world.  We are so grateful to our fans who have stood by our side and we appreciate all of your patience as we worked through these issues.  As a token of our appreciation and to thank fans for the continued support and understanding, we will be offering the following items, for free, to anyone who has played Halo: The Master Chief Collection online since launch (11.11.14) through today (12.19.14).*

  • 1 Month of Xbox Live Gold
  • Exclusive In-Game Nameplate
  • Exclusive In-Game Avatar

* For specifics on eligibility and further details on the offer, visit the FAQ here.

Additionally, you’ve told us that you want more Halo 2: Anniversary multiplayer map content and Halo 3: ODST on Xbox One.  As a future bonus, we’re going to make these happen and give them to you for free.  We are just now starting work with our partners to bring both to Halo: The Master Chief Collection and will share more specific details on timing in the coming months.  But for now, here’s what you can expect:

  • Halo 3: ODST CampaignDevelopment has just started on the campaign for Halo 3: ODST, which will be available within Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and upgraded to 1080p resolution, running at 60fps. It will be available for free to anyone who has played Halo: The Master Chief Collection since launch (11.11.14) through today (12.19.14).* Thanks to our friends at Bungie for creating the original “Halo 3: ODST” campaign.

  • “Relic” Halo 2: Anniversary Multiplayer Map Available via a free content update to Halo: The Master Chief Collection, we will reimagine the fan-favorite map “Relic,” fully remastered and running at 1080p resolution and 60fps. We chose this map based on its suitability for Slayer and Objective modes and its ability to support teams of varying sizes. And you can trust that Certain Affinity will tune and tweak the map to make it even better than you remember.

The satisfaction and joy of our fans is absolutely critical to everyone at 343 Industries and we regret the issues and the frustration you have endured.  We are truly sorry and thank you for your continued patience and support of the Halo franchise.

Bonnie Ross
Head of 343 Industries

Halo The Master Chief Collection

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Deputy Editor
Classe 90, invecchia bene tanto quanto il vino, anche se preferisce un buon Whisky. Ama l'introspezione, l'interpretazione e l'investigazione, e a volte tende a scavare molto più del necessario. Inguaribile romantico, amante della musica e cantante in erba, si destreggia tra hack n'slash, soulslike, punta e clicca e... praticamente qualsiasi altro tipo di gioco.