E’ finalmente online il nuovo aggiornamento di Destiny: aggiornamento incentrato principalmente sul famoso Bug della Volta di Vetro.
Niente più Atheon che cade di sotto, e soprattutto il targeting del Boss adesso è randomico.
Migliorati anche i Server, ora più stabili e resistenti. Ma ecco il dettaglio.
- Fixed an issue in which multiple errors reported with Zebra error codes
- Errors previously reporting as Zebra will now display as their own separate codes
- Fixed a rare issue related to being Kicked To Login repeatedly
- Fixed a rare issue that resulted in a Kick To Orbit reported with the Cockatoo error code
- Fixed an issue where some players would occasionally be erroneously kicked at the beginning of an activity due to a server error
- Increased protection against account corruption
- Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass
- Fixed an exploit where Atheon could be forced off his platform