Psyonix è lieta di annunciare che la Rumble Mode di Rocket League sarà disponibile per il download gratuitamente quest’oggi. La lista completa dei power-up disponibili è questa:
* The Boot (Kicks an opponent’s car)
* Disruptor (Forces the opponent to drive uncontrollably)
* Freezer (Freezes the ball in-place)
* Grappling Hook (Pulls you toward the ball)
* Haymaker (Punches the ball)
* Magnetizer (Attracts the ball to your car)
* Plunger (Snaps the ball to your position)
* Power Hitter (Hit everything harder)
* Spike (Attach the ball to your car when you bump into it)
* Swapper (Change positions on the field with your opponent)
* Tornado (Sweep up the ball and cars into a giant funnel cloud)