Trapelate con un leak tutte le informazioni su Call of Duty WWII, compresi i dettagli sulla modalità Nazi Zombies!

Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col...
Lettura da 12 minuti

Nelle scorse ore è stato pubblicato sul web un enorme leak di Call of Duty WWII che ci svela i dettagli delle varie modalità di gioco, comprendendo la lista dei perk e di tutte le armi della modalità Nazi Zombies! Un utente è riuscito ad accedere ai seguenti file grazie alla open-beta rilasciata su PC qualche settimana fa, ed ha estrapolato una lista completa dei contenuti che andremo a trovare nel titolo, anche le quattro operazioni che saranno presenti nella modalità Guerra.

Call Of Duty WWIIOvviamente la lista contiene SPOILER sui contenuti (ma non sulla trama) quindi se non volete rovinarvi la sorpresa, attenzione a scorrere l’articolo!


  • Panzerblitz: The machine injects the user with energy, protecting their health in dire situations. It costs more Jolts with each use, as death is inevitable.
  • Kugelblitz: With Kugelblitz, your weapons have new life, increasing their damage output.
  • Schildblitz: Schildblitz will protect you when your gun cannot. A burst of damaging electricity comes forth when you reload.
  • Schnellblitz: With Schnellblitz, your weapon feels like an extension of you, as if you have used it your whole life. Gain increased reload speed.
  • Heilblitz: doubled maximum health.
  • Faustblitz: Faustblitz makes every strike your best. Your melee damage is increased.
  • Lebenblitz: While solo, Lebenblitz automatically revives the user, but is limited to 3 uses…While cooperating with others, Lebenblitz increases how fast you revive allies.
  • Laufenblitz: Laufenblitz ensures your legs keep moving and never tire. Gain increased sprint speed and sprint indefinitely.
  • Random Blitz Machine (Wunderfizz): Grants the user a random Blitz; Requires time to reset after use.


  • Offense class with Freefire ability: The player can fire their weapon without expending any ammo, even if the clip is empty
  • Control class with Shellshock ability: Creates a burst originating from the player. Knocks back nearby zombies, applies light damage, and holds them stunned
  • Support class with Frontline ability: All zombies chase the user. The triggering player deals double damage to zombies for the duration of the special
  • Medic class with Camouflage ability: The player is ignored by zombies

Class perks and mods

These are selected in the menus and equipped to your class.

  • Dutiful Medic: Take no damage from one hit while reviving a teammate.
  • Exploit Weakness: Enemies stunned by Shellshock take triple damage.
  • Explosives Handler: Give yourself and nearby allies 2 lethals while activating Freefire.
  • Fast Hands: Use items and lethal equipment faster. Switch weapons faster.
  • Fiery Burst: Enemies hit by Shellshock are set on fire.
  • Finishing Blow: Deal extra melee damage against enemies with less than half health.
  • Flak Jacket: Take no damage from your own explosives.
  • Fragmentation Skull: Headshot kills cause explosive damage to nearby enemies during Freefire.
  • Fully Loaded: Increased max reserve ammo capacity.
  • Grenadier: Carry twice the maximum amount of lethal equipment.
  • Gung Ho!: Fire weapons while sprinting.
  • Punishment: While Frontline is active, weaker enemies die automatically after hitting the user.
  • Hoarder: Carry an additional Blitz.
  • Determination: Gain 2 points of Geistschild when activating Frontline.
  • Long Lasting: Power-ups last longer.
  • Lucky Crit: Chance to do double damage when hitting an enemy’s weak point.
  • Marksmanship: Headshots deal significantly increased damage while using Freefire.
  • Mk. II: The player’s weapon is upgraded while using Freefire.
  • Mobilization: Increased movement speed while using Camouflage.
  • Mugger: Increased Jolts for killing weaker enemies with melee only.
  • Pack Mule: Carry a third primary weapon.
  • Defibrillate: Revive fallen teammates in range when activating Shellshock.
  • Discipline: Increased weapon accuracy and damage while crouching or prone.
  • Preventative Medicine: Your whole team has longer bleedout time. This does not stack with other teammates using Preventative Medicine.
  • Field Medic: Revive fallen teammates quicker while using Camouflage.
  • Resilient: Significantly reduces the delay before regaining health while using Frontline.
  • Resourceful: Increased chance to spawn powerups when killing enemies.
  • Saboteur: Lethal equipment does significantly more damage while using Camouflage.
  • Serrated Edge: Melee attacks deal extra damage over time while using Camouflage.
  • Specialist Training: The Special Meter requires less energy to charge than it would normally.
  • Squad Tactics: Nearby allies get a headshot damage bonus while using Freefire.
  • Suppressive Fire: Enemies slow down momentarily as they take bullet damage.
  • Survivalist: Gain 1 point of Geistschild when activating Camouflage.
  • Sustain Zone: Sustains the Shellshock zone for a few seconds. Enemies that enter the zone are stunned.
  • Team Effort: Nearby teammates also receive the damage bonus while using Frontline.
  • Stubborn: Keep all Blitz after being revived for the first time.
  • Ammo Carrier: Nearby teammates receive a full clip of ammo when activating Freefire.
  • Armored Up: Spawn and respawn with 3 points of Geistschild.
  • Protector: Allies hit with Shellshock gain 1 point of Geistschild.
  • Breathing Room: Shellshock has increased range and knocks enemies back further.
  • Charge the Line: Increased movement speed while using Fury.
  • Hand-to-Hand: Increased melee damage while using Frontline.
  • Vicious: Enemies take triple damage instead of double damage while using Frontline.
  • Exfiltration: Allies revived while using Camouflage are also hidden temporarily.

Gameplay Features

  • Mystery Box: The Mystery Box generates new weapons at random for a fixed price. If multiple boxes are present, only one box will be active at a time, and each box will only work so many times before activating at a new location.
  • Ubersprengen (Pack-A-Punch): Newly unlocked, the machine sits ready to receive weapons. It seems to upgrade weapons with power and unique traits. Upgraded weapons can also have their ammo restocked here or at their corresponding Weapon Locker.
  • Photobooth: Saves your weapons, even through death. Come back here after death to recover your weapons.
  • Daily Challenges: Daily Challenges.
  • Story/Cutscene Menu: Congrats! You unlocked a secret story cinematic of our heroes. You can watch it now or find it later by selecting STORY in the main menu.
  • Power Switch: Hold to enable power.
  • Prestige: “#Prestiging in Zombies is not yet implemented”
  • Notebook (Inventory): Press to view notebook.
  • Unlocking Mods: Locked, research more Mods.

Coupons give the player discounts on the above Perks, whereas Keys give discounts on gate, Jolt and Mystery Box purchases. Power-ups come in the following forms:

  • Spawn an Elektromagnet power-up to earn twice as many points for a short time
  • Spawn a Full Meter power-up to overcharge each player’s Special Ability meter
  • Spawn a Reaper Strike power-up to instantly kill enemies with one hit for a short time
  • Spawn a Max Ammo power-up to replenishes ammo and equipment for all players
  • Spawn an Eclipse power-up to instantly kill all weaker enemies

Weapons are simple enough, handing the player a powerful weapon for a limited time, as seen in the following short descriptions:

  • Equip a Flamethrower for a short time
  • Equip a Panzerschreck for a short time
  • Equip an M1 Bazooka for a short time

Weapons Guarantee gives the player a particular type of weapon:

  • Bren Guarantee
  • Karabin Guarantee
  • Lewis Guarantee
  • MG15 Guarantee
  • MG42 Guarantee
  • Springfield Guarantee
  • Walther Toggle Action Guarantee

And finally, here are the Power-ups from the loot crates:

  • Elektromagnet (Double Points)
  • Reaper Strike (Insta-kill)
  • Max Ammo
  • Security (Turns on all the traps)
  • Eclipse (Nuke)
  • Full Meter (Fills your special ability meter)
  • Fire Sale


Here are all the weapons for Nazi Zombies, covering pistols, LMGs, launchers, sniper rifles, assault rifles, shotguns, SMGs and specials, known as Wonder Weapons.


  • Luger
  • M1911
  • M712


  • Fliegerfaust

Assault Rifles

  • FG-42
  • M1 Garand
  • M1941
  • M1A1
  • STG-44
  • SVT-40
  • Volkssturmgewehr
  • B.A.R.


  • Kar98k
  • Karabin
  • Enfield
  • Springfield


  • Lewis
  • MG15
  • MG42
  • Bren


  • Double Barrel
  • Trench Gun
  • Toggle Action
  • Model 21


  • MP28
  • MP40
  • PPSh-41
  • Thompson
  • Type 100

Melee Weapons

  • Trench Shovel
  • Bloodraven Sword

Wonder Weapons

  • Jack-in-the-Box
  • Bloodthirst
  • Reaper
  • Hurricane
  • Midnight

Operation Aachen

  • Advance to the trainyard and capture the train.
  • Halt the allied advance to the trainyard. Stop them from capturing the train.
  • Gather explosive ordnance and wire it to the streetcar.
  • Stop the allies from stealing explosive ordnance.
  • Use the emplaced anti-tank guns to take out that King Tiger tank.
  • Defend the King Tiger tank by capturing the emplaced anti-tank guns.
  • Capture the train before it leaves the station.
  • Stop the allies from capturing the train before it leaves the station.

Operation Griffin

  • Advance across the bridge to break the allied front line.
  • Stop the enemy from advancing across the bridge to break the front line.
  • Escort 2 of the 3 tanks into allied territory.
  • Stop 2 of 3 tanks from pushing into allied territory.
  • Push into the allied fuel dump and gather fuel for our tanks.
  • Stop the enemy from stealing our fuel for their tanks.
  • Secure the bridge before it is destroyed.
  • Halt the enemy advance until we can destroy the bridge.

Operation Breakout

  • Destroy the Axis flak cannons targeting Allied bombers.
  • Defend the Axis flak cannons targeting Allied bombers.
  • Disrupt Axis comms by capturing the forward observation post.
  • Defend Axis comms by holding the forward observation post.
  • Construct a vital river crossing for Allied armor to advance.
  • Prevent Allied forces from constructing a bridge for Allied armor to advance.
  • Destroy the Axis ammunition depot with emplaced explosives.
  • Defend the ammunition depot from being destroyed by Allied forces.
  • Escort armored support into position against Axis AA guns.
  • Halt the Allied armored support from reaching AA guns.

Operation Neptune

  • Capture the two cliff-side bunkers.
  • Escort the engineer to the 155mm Artillery Gun.
  • Defend against the German Counter-offensive.
Condividi l'articolo
Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col tempo e ora predilige gli eSports, in particolare League of Legends ed Hearthstone, segue con attenzione gli eventi competitivi di tutto il globo tifando come un vero ultrà. Champions preferiti di LoL: Ezreal, Blitzcrank e Yasuo.