Arrivano i nuovi driver AMD Radeon 16.8.1!

Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col...
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Nella giornata di oggi AMD ha rilasciato una nuova versione dei driver per le sue schede video, i cosiddetti AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition versione 16.8.1. Questi driver aggiornati aggiungono il supporto alle nuove Radeon RX 470 e Radeon RX 460, facenti parte della ultima linea di GPU targate AMD. Con questo update inoltre è stato introdotto il supporto ad AMD Crossfire per il nuovissimo F1 2016. Se siete interessati a scaricare questi nuovi driver potete trovarli sul sito ufficiale a questo linkSono anche state apportate leggere modifiche o risoluzioni bug con giochi già usciti. Se volete sapere tutti i cambiamenti qui sotto trovate il changelog completo rilasciato dagli sviluppatori. AMD_Radeon_Graphics_logo-1940x1638Support for:

  • Radeon RX 470 Graphics
  • Radeon RX 460 Graphics 

    New AMD Crossfire profile available for:

  • F1 2016 

    Fixed Issues

  • Max memory overclock available on Radeon RX 480 being too low in Radeon WattMan has been resolved.
  • Overwatch™ may experience an application crash on some Radeon™ RX 480 configurations when using AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • The Division poor Crossfire scaling may be experienced in some low resolution configurations when using AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • DOTA2™ may experience lower than expected performance when in AMD Crossfire mode.
  • Radeon Settings may not report the correct Vulkan™ driver or API version information.
  • Firefox™ may experience an application crash when hardware acceleration is enabled for content playback.
  • Low frame rate or stutter may be experienced Wolfenstein®: The Old Blood™ on Radeon™ RX 480.
  • Updating drivers through Radeon Settings may sometimes fail with an error message. 

    Known Issues

  • A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the
  • AMD Gaming Evolved “In Game Overlay”.
  • Ark Survival Evolved™ may experience an error message when trying to launch the game in some configurations.
  • DOTA2™ may experience an application hang when using the Vulkan™ API and changing resolution or game/quality settings.
  • Corruption may be experienced in Rise of the Tomb Raider using the DirectX®12 API on some Hybrid Graphics configurations when performing a task switch.
  • Shader Cache may remain be enabled when set to “off” in Radeon Settings on some Hybrid Graphics configurations.
  • Radeon RX 480 graphics may experience intermittent stuttering in The Division™ when high game settings are used and vsync is enabled.
  • Battlefield™ 4 may experience intermittent crashes when using Mantle. As a work around users are suggested to switch to DirectX®11.
  • Radeon Pro Duo may experience a black screen in Total War™: Warhammer with the games API set to DirectX®12 and V-Sync enabled.
  • World of Tanks™ may experience stuttering after performing a task switch in AMD Crossfire mode.
  • Rocket League™ may experience flickering when in AMD Crossfire mode.
  • Ashes of the Singularity™ may experience an application crash with “crazy” in game settings and Multi-GPU enabled.
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Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col tempo e ora predilige gli eSports, in particolare League of Legends ed Hearthstone, segue con attenzione gli eventi competitivi di tutto il globo tifando come un vero ultrà. Champions preferiti di LoL: Ezreal, Blitzcrank e Yasuo.