Mighty No.9, rivelata la lista trofei!

Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Raffaele "RaffoTP" Di Sarno
Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col...
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Nonostante non sappiamo ancora la data d’uscita di Mighty No.9 (che è fissata per la primavera 2016) sul web è già trapelata la lista completa dei trofei per la versione PlayStation 4 del titolo!

Mighty No. 9


Trophy Master: Get ’em all.


Brave the Gauntlet: Complete all themes in single-player Challenge Mode.
Super Turbo Hyper Fighting Robot: Complete the game on HYPER difficulty.
Legendary Peacekeeper: Complete the game without restarting on HARD difficulty.
Cleared Story (Super Fast): Complete the game within 60 minutes.
Super Boss Killer: Complete Boss Rush Mode in less than 20 minutes.


Mighty Amazing: Complete every AMAZING! technical bonus.
Mighty Sprinter: Complete every SPRINTER! technical bonus.
Super Hardcore Fighting Robot: Complete the game on HARD difficulty.
Absorptionist: Achieve an A rank or higher and 100% Xel absorption rate result.
Maximum Result: Achieve an S rank result.
50 Combo!!!!!: Get 50 100% Absorption combos in a row.
Cleared Story (Fast): Complete the game within 120 minutes.
Boss Rush Mode Cleared: Complete Boss Rush Mode for the first time.
Mighty Survivor: Complete every QUICK CLEAR! And NICE CLEAR! technical bonus.


FINE PLAY! (Prison Boss): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Prison boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Robot Factory Boss): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Robot Factory boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Last Boss): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Last Stage boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 4): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 4 boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 2): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 2 boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 1): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 1 boss battle.
Mighty Collector: Score 10,000 points in total.
Mighty Hoarder: Score 100,000 points in total.
Mighty Millionaire: Score 1,000,000 points in total.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 7): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 7 boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Opening Boss): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Opening Stage boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 6): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 6 boss battle.
Super Fighting Robot: Complete the game on NORMAL difficulty.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 3): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 3 boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 5): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 5 boss battle.
FINE PLAY! (Mighty No. 8): Achieve all FINE PLAY! technical bonuses in the Mighty No. 8 boss battle.

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Nato con PlayStation 1 e Game Boy, subito si è lanciato in competizioni sfrenate con gli amici fin da piccolo, questo spirito competitivo è cresciuto col tempo e ora predilige gli eSports, in particolare League of Legends ed Hearthstone, segue con attenzione gli eventi competitivi di tutto il globo tifando come un vero ultrà. Champions preferiti di LoL: Ezreal, Blitzcrank e Yasuo.