Destiny: The Taken King, guida agli shader

Nicolò "Nico" Fratangeli
Nicolò "Nico" Fratangeli
Nato col videogioco nel sangue, riceve a sei anni la sua prima console: l'indimenticabile SNES; distruggendo joystick a furia di Donkey Kong Country e Super Mario,...
Lettura da 3 minuti

L’utente reddit “itsnotunusual_rk” ha creato e pubblicato una lista(purtroppo in inglese) riguardante tutti gli shader e le relative modalità di sblocco del DLC di Destiny, quel The Taken King in uscita il 15 settembre su PS4, PS3, Xbox One e Xbox 360. Un lavoro certosino, non c’è che dire. Ecco la lista in questione:

Vanguard/Crucible/Cryptarch package, also from Eva Levante

Aaru’s Passage
Random post-match reward from Trials of Osiris

Random post-crucible match reward

New Monarchy package

Arctic Proxy
Vanguard/Crucible/Cryptarch package

Aurora Blur
Buy from Eva Levante

Babylon 9191
Future War cult package

Random post-crucible match reward

Dead Orbit package

Pre-ordering Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, also handed out at E3 or Gamescom

Reward from Strike playlists

Vanguard/Crucible/Cryptarch package, also obtainable from Eva Levante

Carthage 0100
Future War cult package

Random award after beating the Vault of Glass on normal

Random post-crucible match reward

Cleopatra AK
New Monarchy package

Guaranteed award for beating Crota’s End if not in inventory

Cytherean Bloom
Reward from Strike playlists

Buy from Variks after reaching rank 3

Double Banshee
Enter the code “7MM-VPD-MHP” here

Vanguard/Crucible/Cryptarch package

Random post-crucible match reward

Guaranteed reward for beating Crota’s End on hard if not in inventory

God of War
Vanguard/Crucible/Cryptarch package

Buy from Iron Banner after rank 5

Imogen’s Fire
Buy from Petra after reaching rank 3

Jester Apogee
Buy from Eva Levante

Judgment Cast
Buy from Variks after reaching rank 3

Buy from Variks after reaching rank 3

Lost City
Vanguard/Crucible/Cryptarch package confirmation?

Lunar Elegy
Reward from Strike playlists

Buy from Eris after rank 3

Million Million
Buy from Iron Banner after rank 1

Nefertiti AK
New Monarchy package

Nineveh 8611
Future War Cult package

Oracle 99
Enter the code “RXC-9XJ-4MH” here

Pallas Victorious
Buy from Petra after reaching rank 3

Polar Oak
Buy from Eva Levante

Prayer of Nepal
Obtained after a special promotion requiring a donation for Nepal not obtainable anymore?

Buy from Eris after rank 2

Prism Dancer
Buy from Petra after rank 2

Provincial Royale
Buy from Eva Levante

Refraction Melt
Reward from Strike playlists

unobtainable Dead Orbit package, or so they say…

Buy from Petra after rank 2

Substance 321
Cryptarch package

Buy from Eris after rank 4

The Hanged Man
Dead Orbit package

The Nowhere
Dead Orbit package

The Queen’s Web
Defeating Prison of Elders Lvl 35 for the first time (in big chest)

New Monarchy package

Buy from Eva Levante

Trial by Ordeal
Buy from Variks after rank 3

Tyre 4770
Future War Cult package

Buy from Eva Levante

Buy from Variks after rank 3


Condividi l'articolo
Nato col videogioco nel sangue, riceve a sei anni la sua prima console: l'indimenticabile SNES; distruggendo joystick a furia di Donkey Kong Country e Super Mario, riceve un paio di anno dopo l'amore della sua vita: Sony PlayStation. Console che l'accompagnerà per tutta la sua carriera videoludica, tantè che la ritroviamo attaccata e funzionante nella sua cameretta, appena sotto le sorelle maggiori. Da buon collezionista e amante di retrogaming passa parte del tempo su Ebay a cercare qualche chicca Retrò, ritrovandosi ogni volta in lacrime alla vista del prezzo di Suikoden II PAL.