Sul sito di Exophase e di PSNProfiles è comparsa la lista trofei relativi a Ape Escape 2, prossimo gioco PlayStation 2 pronto a ritornare su PlayStation 4. Sembra che il gioco avrà un totale di: 11 Bronzi, 2 Argenti e 1 Oro. Potete trovare la lista di seguito:
Capture your first monkey.
Earn a score of 50 in the dancing mini-game.
Score three goals in one match of the soccer mini-game.
Earn your first Gold Medal Time during a Time Trial.
Unlock the climbing mini-game.
Listen to the Theme Tune soundtrack.
Defeat Monkey Blue.
Defeat Monkey Pink.
Defeat Monkey White.
Defeat Monkey Red.
Defeat the Giant Monkey Yellow.
Complete the game playing as Spike.
Complete the Showdown with Specter.
Complete the Final Showdown with Specter.